Yoga of Joy 喜乐瑜伽

Yoga of Joy is a dynamic, “ancient-future” system of Tibetan Vajrayana and primordial yoga from the lineage of Yuan Miao. It draws from the sounds and lights of nature, and the energies of mountains, oasis, stars and seas, to fill our hearts and body with joyful awakening and enlightened peace. The dynamic and lively Yoga of Joy cultivates a mind that embraces simplicity, a heart that holds emptiness, and a clever body that exudes wisdom.
Yoga of Joy integrates the physical with the spiritual, the circulation of blood and subtle energy, and the principles of balance between Yin and Yang. It deeply purifies energetic channels of both gross and subtle bodies (physical, mental, emotional) through a concise and effective combination of postures, breath-work, visualizations, mantra and body and finger mudra. It is a potent way to directly elevate our consciousness. Practicing Yoga of Joy rejuvenates every part of the body, including the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, endocrine secretions, major organs, circulation through blood and energy vessels, and penetrates the glandular and cellular level.
Yoga of Joy encourages us to be ourselves and be at ease while it enriches our awareness of the body, speech and mind, as well as heaven, self and Earth. The mastery of Yoga of Joy does not lie in the flexibility of the body, but the flexibility of the mind. Anyone, from young to old, can practice the Yoga of Joy.
We look forward to walk with you on this path of joyous and mindful living.